How to compare mindfulness facilitator training programs
Updated: Jan 3
If you are considering training to become a mindfulness meditation facilitator and learning how to bring mindfulness practices to the workplace or community, it certainly can be confusing to compare programs.
The best one for you is one that fits your style of learning, provides you with the outcomes you seek, fits your budget and just feels right. I hope this might help bring clarity for you!
Here are some key considerations when you are evaluating which program may be best suited to you . . .
(full disclosure ... Yes, as the author of this, I was the first in the world to offer a workplace mindfulness facilitator program in 2014. I've been in the field since its inception, so I know the evolution very well. I've seen many come and go, some built with revenue as their underlying motivation, met some amazing people and some unethical people. I aim to make this as helpful as possible, but there isn't another program like The Calm Monkey's with a long standing, wonderfully balanced and intentionally low-cost/high-value program out there.)
Track Record
Does the provider ACTUALLY have direct, successful experience in starting workplace mindfulness themselves? Many times I see that they don't. They may certainly have mindfulness experience but actual, feet-on-the-ground experience in navigating the issues that arise in the workplace is not there. They display company logos as their clients but they actually haven't done work with them. What credibility can they show?
The Calm Monkey's (TCM) program was taught at The Greater Good Science Center's workplace mindfulness conference at UC Berkeley in 2015 and continues to be a leader in the mindfulness field. Wendy Quan, founder, is also the expert for The Great Courses, featured in their course Mindfulness for the Workplace.
Will you learn what the mindfulness field considers mission-critical?
How do you know what is mission-critical? Mission-critical skills may sound odd, but there is a great deal to know according to the maturing mindfulness field. It is not just about knowing how to develop a soft, meditative voice while guiding meditation, there is a great deal more. Will the program teach you:
what trauma-informed facilitation is and the risks to the participants if the facilitator is unaware of how to handle this?
what neurodiversity-informed facilitation is and how a trained facilitator can be more effective when dealing with so many different people?
what exactly it means to lead in a secular way? And what is the risk if you choose not to lead this way?
what is considered evidence-based mindfulness and what does that matter?
how to deal with AI as a facilitator?
is a Certification offered and if so, is there some rigor that ensures you keep updated ongoing with your skills and knowledge?
TCM's program covers all the above and more, such as how to start up a workplace or community mindfulness offering.
What is the effort, time and commitment needed? Does it fit your schedule?
Some offerings have a cohort, strict schedule and some offer a more flexible approach.
Cohort-style offerings will be rather rigid and on a very specific schedule. Such approaches appeal to some, however, as I've taught these myself, I see a fair number of people find this stressful and some do not finish the program because life happens and they couldn't not meet the program's requirements. So consider what might work best for you.
TCM's program is intentionally designed to be a good balance of self-paced work plus some scheduled group gatherings for continuous learning. It is the responsibility of the student to know their deadline and work to finish before that deadline.
What is the mix of online curriculum learning and live interactions with others?
Some offerings are 100% online, self-paced - I believe these are not quality programs because the implicit and explicit learning are both very critical. You cannot build your skills and confidence without quality interaction with good feedback from your peers and the instructor.
Most offerings know the critical value of live interactions combined with online, self-placed learning and will offer group gathering opportunities. Look for those that offer both the opportunity for you to observe as well as lead and have a voice. Sometimes the groups are too large and you may feel like a number.
TCM's program is designed with a great blend of online, self-paced learning for the core curriculum. Then, you have a number of different types of live interactions -- small group 'Practice Sandboxes' so you can observe and lead in a very small group, large group gatherings for discussion and formal continuous learning, and 1:1 with me for personal mentorship.
Is MBSR recognized? What is the basis/scope of the teachings and it is right for you?
MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) is considered the unofficial gold standard in mindfulness. It is the most well-known form of secular (non-spiritual, non-religious) mindfulness. If the program you're researching is not based on MBSR, it is likely based on some form of religious or spiritual related foundation, such as Buddhism. What is your target audience as a facilitator? If it is a workplace, or various groups to be determined, it is best to seriously consider a program that is secular, so your offering appeals to everyone.
TCM's program is designed with with MBSR as a foundation. The program is presented as best practices for secular facilitation, however, facilitators are certainly permitted to lead in a non-secular way if they choose.
The above points hopefully will help you as research your options.
I would like to tell you a little more about The Calm Monkey's offering, but not in a pushy way :)
Here's what's unique about The Calm Monkey's program - does this resonate with you? This program is the pioneer in the workplace mindfulness field - with credibility, quality and longevity.
Launched in 2014, this program was the first in the world to offer workplace facilitator training and certification and a robust program for evidence-based workplace implementation.
Some other programs may appear similar to The Calm Monkey's program because many have been modelled after this program. Many related programs look to this program as best-in-class.
Over 430 facilitators worldwide have been trained, and this program has served many types and sizes of organizations such as Google and the U.S. National Park Service.
Experienced meditators learn to:
Implement workplace mindfulness - gain support, startup and grow a respected grassroots mindfulness practice.
Skillfully facilitate mindfulness meditation sessions - with today's best practices.
Most other programs do not teach the implementation piece, or keep up with the latest important issues such as A.I. & mindfulness, trauma and neurodiversity.
It's super flexible with no rigid cohort schedule. It is great for busy people as you have up to six months to complete the program at your own pace, and you can finish it sooner if you wish, as long as you meet the requirements for course completion, assignments and demonstrate competency.
You’ll be part of a wonderful facilitator community through small practice groups called ‘Practice Sandboxes’, an online community Slack group and live group meetings. Facilitators have the opportunity to be 'Lead Inspirators' to develop and run with ideas that benefit the community. Experienced meditators learn to implement workplace mindfulness and skillfully facilitate sessions. Many of our students are already facilitating when they register, yet they learn so much through this program and love our community of facilitators.
Evidence-based, secular, workplace friendly, trauma and neurodiversity-sensitive. Mindfulness and meditation can mean many different things to many people. This program teaches only evidence-based practices, largely based on the well-known Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. Even though there are many wonderful practices and traditions in existence, because this program is geared towards the workplace, everything is evidence-based, secular (non-spiritual, non-religious), workplace-friendly, and teaches sensitivity to people who may have experienced trauma and neurodiversity. That being said, facilitators certainly may also be leading practices in non-workplace settings (such as special interest groups, communities, friends and family, etc), so this program ensures the clear understanding of 'pure' mindfulness but does not police what facilitators do.
Support from and access to Wendy Quan. Many are surprised and delighted about Wendy's responsiveness and care that goes into the program and community. Wendy demonstrates commitment to supporting facilitators in their compassionate work to help others. You won't 'feel like a number' when you join our program.
The program fee is lower than other comparable programs.
To sum up what our alumni says: 'I didn't know what I didn't know. I learned about things I've never thought of and gained valuable resources. The community and Wendy Quan are amazing. This is exactly what I was looking for.'
If you are wondering if there is a global independent professional organization that accredits such training, that is a very good question! At this time, workplace mindfulness does not have such an organization that has successfully reached such a status. The Calm Monkey's program is seen as best-in-class and other programs have been modelled after it.
You are invited to learn more about The Calm Monkey's
You can take a Free Preview of the program to get a very good feel of what you will learn, and even request a discovery meeting with Wendy Quan.
Please start here:
This needs to be a good fit both ways :)
Whatever program you may choose, thank you for your compassionate desire to help others!
Questions are welcome at
~Wendy Quan, Founder, The Calm Monkey
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